This is the last part for this project . In this part we are going to build the complete game.

Till now we have played the game inside our unity editor, To export to our required platform ,it should be a executable. file format , eg  exe for windows, .deb for linux.. apk for android .. etc

This process of making executable format of our game is known as building.

For that click File -> then build settings,

Note , if you are coming directly to this part of the tutorial ,without going to the previous one, click on the Add open scenes , this is how you add your scenes to the build , if you don't add a scene , unity will ignore that scene and will not be available in the final game.

Now you will be able to see some options , including which platform you want to build for, by default modules for building windows , linux , mac  executable will be installed along with unity. if you want to build for other platforms like android or webgl , you have to download and install those modules.Links for those modules can be found by clicking on the required platform and click open download page. 

note that if you are building for other platform , After downloading and installing those modules. you need to select the platform and click the "switch platform" to take effect.

Also changing platform in-between requires you to re-import the assets which requires a lot of it is recommended to switch your platform at the beginning of the development process itself.

Player Settings:

This include some of the setting for you build . click it and you will be able to see a new tab

If you are building for pc,it is not essential that you configure these setting, even if you build with default value there won't be any error,  but for some platforms like android these configurations are very important and can cause error if not properly configured . 

1. First you have some details about the product , you company ,version , just fill it.

2.Default icon is the icon of you executable file. to change that drag any image to your project files. and then drag it to the icon .

3. next is the cursor , which if left empty will use the default windows cursor.

next important part is inside under " Resolution and Presentation" click on it to expand it.

1. in this you can change the screen mode ie full screen , windowed...  if you chose windowed you will be allowed to give the default resolution (resolution which your game starts).

Next is under Splash screen:


here you can modify the values as you like . this area defines how your logo is displayed during the start ,  you can configure according to you creativity.  Click on preview button to show how the logo splash screen looks like. it will be shown on the game tab.

Note that you will be able to add your logo by clicking on the + button below the unity logo.

There is no need to add virtual reality Splash image since we are not building for it.

Also you cannot remove the unity logo , to that you need a professional license.

Adding your own logo:

sometime dragging you logo image from project tab , won't be accepted , this is because your file may be recognised as a texture and the logo field requires sprite , 

Change texture to sprite:
1. select the image file in the project tab
2. In the inspector tab, click on texture type select Sprite(2D and UI) and click on apply at the bottom.

Now try dragging it to the logo , it should work.

Rest all values can be left as default values .

Now if you go back to build settings and click build , you will be asked to choose a save location , try to choose an empty folder so that our build files won't mix with other.  

First time it will be slow, but even if you change some assets , from second time onward the build process will be more faster.

After the building process completes you will be able to find your executable file. Double click  on the exe file to run your game. 

Also , we have not implemented any quit function, so to quit your Game use   Alt + F4

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